Four for Friday, vol 6

But who's counting?

Today, 4 things you probably don't care about but I'm going to share anyhow...wait maybe that's what I post every day...oh well, it's your four minutes to waste as you will.

Four books I would read - and probably have read - 4 times.
In no particular order:

This was my favorite of the HP series, I really enjoyed the relationship between Harry and Dumbledore and Harry was less whiny in this one than some of the other books. Plus, there was still something left to discover and a whole magical world that was largely undefined outside of Harry.

2.Did I just hear you groan? I kind of groan myself admitting that I enjoyed this book and the series in general, with some complaints peppered in. Holy cow, I'm one of those '30-something moms' the media kept yammering about. I think what made this book appealing was the new-ness of the story. I think even SM would admit she wasn't writing the great American novel here, she was writing a fun love story. I like fluff, I'll 'fess to it. I also read the "Midnight Sun" draft that was posted on her website and I enjoyed that, even though it was the same story. As a wanna-be writer, I admire her ability to flip a story line around to a different perspective. It's harder than you'd think.

3.I suppose this qualifies as my 'classic'. I particularly enjoy reading versions of this book that include the artwork above because its the edition my mom had on our bookshelf when I was growing up. I love the family-affirming plots, I still think that Jo and Laurie should have gotten married (AMY? Seriously??) and I cry every time Beth dies. When I pick this book up to re-read it, I usually skip through the slow parts and occasionally I only read my favorite sections. It's an old friend who can tell the same story time after time and never get boring.

4.This is my favorite in the series of books by RFS. Full disclosure: I know Rob, and his wife - she was one of my Young Womens leaders - and he was even at my wedding with his oldest daughter. How cool is that? He was my seminary teacher for a year and is just an all around great guy. Setting all that aside, I really enjoy this book, it makes me laugh. I love that I know someone who actually IS a published, make your living, author. I love that his books are relate-able, funny, and original. I love that he has a character in this book named "Stick". I told you, I like fluff.

4fer bonus - 'cause who doesn't love extras: I am currently not reading any of these books. I am, however, reading Brisinger, Path of Daggers, and The Shape Shifter.


Pam said…
My book list consists of children books from the library. I am an avid reader in the way that I read 3 books a day. It doesn't matter that they are children books right? :)

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