My son sliced his leg open tonight at a church activity. He was out with a group of other kids, ages 12-18, picking up trash along the highway. Doing service. Apparently, though the story is not clear, he was holding a trash bag with a piece of metal in it and somehow the metal cut his leg. I wasn't there. I wasn't there when the dirty, sharp metal broke my boy's skin and made him bleed. He still had blood on his leg when he got home. And his hands. He said it didn't hurt. In truth, it's a wicked cut but not particularly bad. A smooth gash on precious skin. (Don't fret, he had a tetanus shot just before school started.) After a long soak in the bathtub, he said it only hurt a little. Now the cut is bandaged, antibiotic-ed, and tucked in bed with the little boy that isn't little anymore. I've come to grips I'm coming to grips with the idea that I'm moving on. Getting older. Growing gray hair. My children...