My husband and I decided we need to make a plan. Actually, 4 plans. And, actually - if I'm being honest - it was really my idea and he's just coming along for the ride because that's how it usually goes. And I'm not sure that sounds quite like what I mean. But, I digress. We need 4 plans. We don't have 4 plans and we're not sure what's going to be in those 4 plans. But, right now we're thinking 4 plans. Plan 1: Budget/money/spending. We have struggled with this for all 20 years of our marriage. We've been bailed out, scooped up, helped out ... and still, we struggle. So, this plan is at the top of the list of plans. Plan 2: Shoot - I already forgot plan 2. Plan 3: To move or not to move, that is the question. To move where and how and when? We're leaning a particular direction, but...big decisions are hard. Also, do we store our stuff or get rid of it or move it? Plan 4: Double shoot - I forgot...