Speaking of speaking....

This picture is of Joshua a couple of years ago, the outfit is of his own choosing...
So Joshua comes out of his room tonight, after he has only been in bed for 10 minutes or so, and he is crying. "What's the matter?" I ask. "I want to spend more time with my parents," he sobs. Hmm, I wasn't expecting quite that answer. "You always want to go to Gramma's house, honey, so we don't get to spend time with you very much," I reply. "But I don't want to grow up," he cries. "I want to stay with you. I don't want to be 20!"
I was expecting that even less.
It's my own fault - well Eric has a part to play in it too. We keep telling him to slow down, stop growing up so fast, and apparently he is listening a little to carefully. But, how do I explain to my seven year old that growing up is natural and good, while all the time I am thinking that I wish he would never change and that he would stay mine forever? He is so sweet and kind and amazing and frustrating and interesting and silly and funny and bratty and wonderul all rolled up into one! I can't imagine not having him here to tickle and pinch and kiss and hug...and yet I know the time will come when my little bird will be skipping from the nest. Not for a good long while, mind you, but considering how fast seven years has come and gone.......
Motherhood is bittersweet, and I wouldn't trade it for anything.


Jenn said…
He's so sweet. I really miss him. He takes everything so literally and that look he gives you when he is thinking something over, like he's forty in a seven year olds body. Remember not matter where he is and what he does in life - he will always be your boy and you will always be his Mommy. And by hte time he leaves the nest Carly will be a teenager and you may have you hands too full to mourn much! :) Hugs!!!
Sarah said…
Gosh I miss you. When are you coming back?
Oh, I can hope can't I?

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