The mind of a child

A conversation with Joshua this morning:

Josh: You know, I was a little jealous of Carly when we first got her because you guys were giving her so much attention.

Mom: Yes, well you know she is just little and she can't do anything for herself yet so we have to do lots of stuff for her.

~At this piont the aforesaid mom (me) launches into an explanation that we love both kids, sort of the "remove this guilt from me" speech. Joshua is silent throughout~

Mom: So, what are you thinking about?

Josh: I'm thinking about playing tag at recess today

I'm not sure why, but this really struck my funny bone. Perhaps it was the five minute discussion I engaged in (largely with myself) on the topic of parental love for children, only to find out at the end that Josh had already moved on to thinking about tag...


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