
So I took this personality test online...I'll let you decide if the results are right or not. Personally, after pages of questions, I am surprised by just how dead right it is:

Your Personality Type: Wallflower
Your internal orientation, and fairly cooperative nature make you the Wallflower. You are perfectly content to watch others from the sidelines, and not get tangled up in social circles and commitments. While others likely find you pleasant to be around, you don't care much for company. You rarely seek the spotlight and you are content to spend time by yourself. While you don't allow life to pass you by, you have an appreciation for the natural order of things. You're sometimes open to change, but you don't necessarily take action to create it. You experience occasional emotional instability, and time alone with your thoughts refreshes you mentally, and helps alleviate worry and self-doubt. You like to keep your life and the number of people in it somewhat contained. You find that too many responsibilities occasionally results in failure to keep your commitments.


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