And a couple more I forgot because my head is full of useless information

~ What is it with ugly purses? I'm sorry but I refuse to carry a purse that is
a) bigger than my behind and
b) covered in gold buckles, chains, and brads and finally
c) uglier than ugly.
At Target today, I thought "I should take a picture of these ugly bags and post them for all to see." But really, why spread the pain?

~ I suppose all the ugly shoes I looked at were made to match said ugly purses? All the shoes in the store were either pointy or strange colors or looked ridiculously like giant elf shoes. 4 rows of shoes and the only decent things were a FEW of the tennis shoes and a couple pairs of heels that would cause me to look like Utootall, Amazon Woman, while standing next to Eric.

~ Along this same line...if we want the economy to pick up and shoppers to actually buy and not browse, perhaps we should be producing fewer ugly purses and shoes?

~ And finally...I don't care if you Republican, Democrat, or Ostrich - It just doesn't seem right to continue financing the country whose president calls George Bush "el diablo". I mean, really! I'd rather pay ten cents more a gallon (who would notice it when its already like taking out a mortgage to fill your tank) then continue sending money to Venezuela. Maybe I don't agree with everything George Bush says or does, but I certainly don't think he's the devil. Quite frankly, the devil seems to have a lot more tricks up his sleeve.


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