One month

Its just amazing how quickly the days rolled into a month. Learning to say goodbye seems to make each day feel like a century, and yet it passes by when you take a moment to blink.

I am having a really hard time understanding Josh right now. Most days he's just the same lovely boy he has always been. And then this little back talking, impatient, whiney child takes over his body. And I can't seem to keep my cool. Josh has always been a good kid, obedient and sympathetic, kind and gentle. And he still is, just with an edge of impatience. I must say, its like being cut with a knife when I hear my own words echoing out of his mouth. Common phrases, stolen from me, that drive me insane:
"I don't know"
"Just a minute"
"I'm commmming!"
"Just let me finish"
"I know"

I can't wait for summer, no more homework, no more waking up early. Easy time. I think I hate Josh's school as much as he does, if not more.


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