And that's how we roll

A couple incidents that I found very amusing:

Today, after bringing in a mountain of groceries, Eric said to Josh "Stay here and help your mother put away the groceries."
Josh grumbles for a few minutes (surely he is just toooo tired to help after his long long day!) and then Eric says again "just stay and help her."
Josh turns to him and says "And what are you going to do dad?"
Eric, who had every intention of going in the other room to play on the computer, turned a little pink and stayed to help.

We are starting to try and potty train Carly. She is telling us after she goes so that is a step forward. Yesterday she wanted to go potty and so Eric took her to the bathroom. She sat down and immediately grabbed a book to read. Eric was so proud. I did get a pic with my phone and will upload it soon.


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