12 Things

1. The glimmer of blue eyes that meant discovery or surprise was just around the corner.

2. The never ending supply of new toys and clothes for the well loved Chibby.

3. The shaking hands.

4. The food that filled every table even when the fridge was 'empty.'

5. The extra $20 slipped into my hand.

6. The hidden treats in the china cabinet.

7. The pure excitement when Josh and Carly came into view.

8. The forgotten, hidden Christmas presents found years later.

9. The never say die democrat.

10. The flickering candles.

11. The comfort of being well loved.

12. Sunday pinochle games.

In a couple weeks it will be a year since Mom passed away, all she is and gave to me can never be fully listed.

I miss you Mom.


Jamie Lyn said…
I cant believe that it has been almost a year that she has been gone:( So how is the family?:) We are doing well!!!So how is josh doing in school these day's? The boys are doing ok. They havereally nice teachers! they cant wait for summer because they wanna go see grandma and chacha!!!!! I wonder if legoland is in the works this year! Guess we'll have see huh? Gotta run love All of us!!!

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