Fashion, J-diddy style

So today Carly put on a swimsuit that is about 2 sizes too big, on a good day. It was a hand-me-down from Marion/Kiana and Carly-barley has a bit of growing to do before it fits. Lets just say that the top of the swimsuit was hanging down to just about her belly button, or so. Joshua found this to be quite funny, he was actually rolling around on the floor laughing* while Carly proudly strutted her stuff in her baby suit.

That's when I pulled out the dirt:

To his credit, Josh laughed at himself too. I'd post the pictures of their dad, a real fashion plate in his own right, but I don't want to give him grounds for divorce.

*Josh's laughing was more of a fake laugh, a rolling around on the floor guffaw that wouldn't fool anyone.


Heather said…
Ha ha... that's so funny that you got those out for Josh to see. Smart mama.

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