The heat is on

And so is the move! Today the movers brought our stuff, all 5600 (estimated) pounds of it. While the new place has lots of extra room - so much more room that we don't have furniture for all the rooms - I still feel like the age old question can not be answered: where are we going to put all this stuff!?
Although hiring movers to finish packing and move us seems like a huge, lazy indulgence I am so so SO glad we did it. I can't even imagine trying to pack up and move all this stuff in the 90+ degree humidity - even if we did only move a couple miles down the road.
Our carefree "let someone else sweat" move hasn't been totally carefree though. We found that in the soon-to-be-den there is a leak of some kind running down the wall. The drywall and carpeting and such is all damaged and will have to be replaced. One great thing about renting is that it isn't my job to pay for said repair. One not so great thing - we can't use that room until its done. It's okay, though. We only had a chair, TV and table to put in there so far anyhow. For now that stuff lives in the family room. One of the major reasons we moved was to have a space for the family room and a space for the den (ie the Poppa-cave) and we all ended up in the same room together anyhow. For the time being...
We gave our camera to a friend of ours, foolishly thinking we'd have no need for a camera for a month or two, so I can't post any pictures just yet. But I will - and hopefully you'll get to see the finished product rather than the half wrecked house we're spending our first night in tonight.


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