
So, we're home after a long 3 days of driving and I've been thinking of some lists in my head that recap our (unexpected) extended vacation.


9 - leaky diapers
100 - average amount spent on gas per day while traveling
6 - hotel rooms
1 - exploded pop in the car
4.85 - highest price per gallon paid for gas (at a DQ in California)
7 - grandchildren altogether for the first time in one place
2 - trips to Albuquerque (an all time low for a visit back home)
1 - broken mug that was supposed to be for Poppa
3 - green chile cheeseburgers consumed by me (I could only finish 1 because the other 2 were so hot - and it wasn't all on the same day!)
20+ - mosquito bites on Josh
0 - sunburns (woot!)
1700 - miles from Grandma's house to my house on the way back
1 - time I got lost in OK City (seriously people, post some detours!)

Best Quotes:

"I hurt my scratch"
"Bug by my eye!"
"I hurt my eye!"
"I hurt my owie"
"I hurt my wet" (are you seeing the major theme of Carly's life??)
"Don't say words Momma"

Carly muttered "stupid" under her breath (this is a bad word in our house)
Josh says to me: "She didn't say the 3 letter word."
Me: "3 letter word? What 3 letter word?"
Josh: after thinking a minute "s i t"
Me: "She didn't say sit?"
We laughed for a good five minutes, much to Carly's confusion.

The best this and that's:

Matching shirts
Bug spray
Breakfast with Uncle Dan
Leaving the bug tent unzipped thereby filling it with bugs instead of keeping bugs out
Cha-Cha splashing Josh during a car ride (they were both soaked)
Playing the PSP in front of the kids and not letting them have a turn
Confusing the Garmin
Snowball eating contests
Playing "I spy"
"Little" Bud's BBQ cookin
Pictures of Grandma
Saying the exact same thing as my sister at the exact same time, a lot
Seeing old friends
Angie and Ben's yummy cooking and generosity
Aunt Mary Jane looking so much like Cha-Cha that I thought it WAS Cha-Cha for a moment
Water gun fights (started by Grandpa, 80something years young!)
The fire pit
Seeing dad fight back tears after the celebration for his mom (sorry Dad, but it touched my heart so I'm ratting you out)
Mom inviting us to stay at Mary Jane and Grandpa's house, without telling them
The Campfire Song Song
Making cookies
Making pie
Eating cookies
Eating pie

Pictures of some of these great moments are forthcoming...when I am recovered.


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