Like comfie slippers, but in my head

I like the sound of an old friends voice, even if I can't technically hear it. I can read it and reading is just about my favorite thing to do in the whole wide world - ok so that's an exaggeration but you get it, I like to read. Today I was happy to listen to my old friend Nate's voice. I was happy that he sounds just the same and yet grown up. I don't know if I will ever really get used to the idea that I'm a grown up now, and old married lady with 2 kids and responsibilities. What an ugly word, responsibilities.

Anyhow, anytime I get an email from Nate - like twice a millennium or so - I always flash back to when I was in college, living in my first very own apartment and he called me because he was bored. We were very good friends back in those days, it was always easy to be friends with Nate. I wasn't home when he called and so he spent an hour or so calling my house over and over and filling up my voice mail. He would broadcast as DJ Nate until the memory was filled up and cut him off and then he'd call back. It was probably the funniest set of phone messages anyone ever left me. I confess I didn't listen to them all but I think the count was something like 30 or so messages, all at about 30 seconds each or so and it made me laugh a lot. It still makes me grin. I wonder sometimes if DJ Nate remembers it too and since that night I have always called him DJ Nate in my head.

Couple other highlights of the day: Today at church Carly gestured to an ornate lamp at church in the foyer and said to me "what's this" and I replied "a lamp" and she says (pointing to a flower on the lamp) "No. Its. A. Flower." All emphatic and amazed at how ignorant I was.

Josh (not to be outdone for cuteness) got a bee sting on his foot today, on the bottom. I think he stepped on a hapless bee in the grass. I told him to go upstairs and put some toothpaste on it and then a bandaid, to which he responded with a high-pitched whine, all desperate like, that it would "make it hurt more!" So I told him that his Grandma Annie used that very same remedy any time he got a sting. Wouldn't you know it, he went right upstairs and put the toothpaste on it and now he's just fine - not even another complaint. (Toothpaste really does work for stings btw, I think its the mint in it.)

And finally, I finished reading the final book in the Twighlight Saga. (I don't know that Saga is a word that should be applied to a series of books that cover rougly 2 years of a vampire's life but whatever.) I did enjoy reading the book but I read very fast so I am sure I missed a lot of details that I will discover later when I go back and read it again in the future. As I mentioned, I enjoy reading very much. I get kind of sucked into it, and unstoppable force, especially if it is a book I am enjoying. I liked Breaking Dawn but it definately did not go the direction I thought it would and I can't decide if that is a good thing or not. I think it went kind of weird - but as it is a book about vampires, weird seems like a relative term. Part of the reason I like the books is that the author, Stephenie Meyer (if you're living under a rock), is LDS. She went from an unknown unpublished author to a mutlimillion selling, multimillionaire in roughly 5 years and a little part of me can't help but think and wonder "what if that was me? could I do it?" I wouldn't even know how to start, not to mention my book (if you can call it that) is still in its infancy. I take hope in the - for lack of a better word - high that comes from writing, and so I suppose the answer is: *shrug*


Nathan said…
Pictures from the good old days would be good....i can see the sweet clothes and hair now...where is my vanilla ice tape?
Heather said…
Oh man, you really are a nerd... 30 messages? :)

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