I'm off the sauce

The bottle is empty and I haven't bought more.

Yes, it's painful.

I can't stop thinking about it.

I should be using this as motivation to stay 'clean' but I keep thinking about how awful water tastes.


Pam said…
You can do it Sarah! You can come over to my home and we can watch the comedy act "I'm Starvi'n" by John Pinnett. We can laugh ourselves silly and take you mind off of the Dr.
Lacey said…
Great Job! You can do it! One bottle at a time!
Kristen said…
You can do it!!! The best thing I ever bought was a PUR waterfilter thingie. CHANGED.MY.LIFE. I am drinking more water now and it's always cold. My other suggestion-flavor packets. I get them at wal-mart by the kool-aide for just over a buck and they aren't bad at all. The boys love them and so do I.
Also, if you don't want Kool-Aid....I always buy the crystal light....even the off brand ones....makes it a lot easier for me to get my eight glasses in a day! You can do it....if I can get rid of my diet pepsi addiction....anyone can do it!! Let me know if you need to chat to try to keep your mind off of it....
Someone should start CA....Caffeine Anonymous....I know there would be a lot of people in there!
Heather said…
keep going

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