Slightly Blasphemous

Carly: You want some pie?
Me: Pie and a milkshake.
Carly: And some Christ?
Me: What?
Carly: Some Christ? You want some Christ?
Me: What?
Carly: Some Jesus Christ? You want some Christ?

There are a few things of note in this picture: bandaid on the forehead, green marker circles around the eyes, and orange marker all over her wittle fingers. Cute stuff.


Anonymous said…
So you left the post as a cliff hanger!

Did you say you needed some Christ, but not as part of your food order? Did she color her eye, or was it the daddy-o? Did she actually have a real owie on her head, or was she just working the crowd?
That Girl said…
Holy adorableness. (Literally.)
Sarah said…
Ha! I just said, 'Yes I need some Christ' after which she kept asking me for 5 more minutes. (Hey a joke is good if they laugh even on the 20th time right?) The dad colored her eye, she is marker-bespectacled again today as a matter of fact. She has a real owie on her head, she met and made friends with the corner of the kitchen counter. It wasn't a mutually beneficial relationship though so she is trying to avoid further contact.

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