Four for Friday, How do I love thee Edition

Have you met my husband? His name is Eric. OR you can call him Easy-E. Sometimes I call him Doug (that's his middle name). And now and then I call him honey. If you're really brave, try calling him Squat-y Body. He really might hurt you.

Your first impression meeting my husband might be "I better move or he's going to run me over." Occasionally people think "Woah, he's a big fella." He has been compared to a wall before. A wall o' man. It's an especially useful quality in large crowds.

Most people that know my husband think he's pretty funny. A tad crazy. He's extremely loyal and has many life-long friends. He usually catches people off guard with his warmth. Quite often people comment that he has amazing eyes. They are quite engaging. I like that.

Eric is a great dad. He loves his kids a lot. He yells at them sometimes. He yells at me sometimes. But, afterwards he tries to make up for it. He never gets mad when I spend too much money. He always buys us prizes we don't need. He never judges me for loving chocolate too much or drinking too much soda-pop. He works really hard to give us everything we want.

I am so lucky.


Jenn said…
He is one of the funniest people I know! And he loves you so much! We should start an Eric fan club :D
Anonymous said…
AND he performs a rousing rednition of "Love Boat"
Heather said…
Can we a get a video of that Love Boat rendition?
That Girl said…
I would totally join that fan club.

Your hubby rocks.

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