Say what?

Josh: In class we talked about how Heavenly Father gives us everything we have so (turning to his dad) YOU don't own a car. YOU don't own a house. Heavenly Father does.

Carly (quite indignant): NO Josh! Heavenly Father don't drives!


Carly: My brain!

Mom and Dad: What?

Carly: My brain is coming out my foot!


Pam said…
Carly was too cute in Primary today. It didn't matter what question was asked she was so eager to raise her hand to "answer". I loved it!
Anonymous said…
My last recorded thought was that there was something squishy in my shoe. Now we know where all my brains went and why I can no longer think straight...
Anonymous said…
If I would have been thinking (or capable of thought) I wouldn't have thrown those shoes away.
Anonymous said…
You will be happy to know that Carly's brain is no longer coming out of her foot. This morning she informed me that her brain was coming out of her forearm...

I don't know where she gets this stuff from, certainly not from her father who got stuck in a kids play set tunnel...
Heather said…
The brain out the foot is classic. And Carly is right, Heavenly Father don't drives. I'm pretty sure they travel by conduit of light. ;)

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