Tomorrow I might be WIFE, one who is taken care of, receiver of gifts, demander of kisses, to be protected and adored - nay! admired until the smile stretches across my face in satisfaction.
Yesterday (and many days) I am SNIPPET, girl of a whip-lash mood, sharp of tongue, pouter of lips, and yeller of all things loud. I am often unpleasant on these days.
Some days I am CHILD, growing and changing my ideas by the moment, a leaf in the wind tossed about, a constantly changing sprout.
There are times I am DAUGHTER, a willing participant in the lives of my parents, clinging to them, snatching their free time to claim it as my own, morphing into their shadows.
I feel lucky when I am SISTER, completely surrounded by all that is best in my character, teased and coddled by turns, laughed at and with, a puzzle piece to a greater whole, a pea in a pod.
At times I am simply FRIEND, listener, shoulder, bearer, laugher, dreamer, soul-knit.
Quite often I am WRONG. And there are times I am RIGHT (but these are few). Some days I am FRUSTRATED and ANGRY, and some days I am completely CONTENT. I suffer alongside DEPRESSION and my family feels its effects acutely. There are times when I feel PRETTY but mostly not. I have perfected WALLOWING, but also OPTIMISM. I am PROUD and sometimes I LINGER on the beauty that surrounds me. I have DOUBTS and many FEARS. I am PATIENT - until I'm not anymore.
I am learning to accept all these, to feel comfortable under the weight of all the labels.
I am learning to be grateful for the variety.
Love ya
And DUDE! Your pictures! How!