Love Notes

Written on the inside of an empty Twinkie box:

"Hey, try and save some for other people!  Twinkie Aholic"

And my reply on the lid:

"Maybe I did and U just don't know where they are doo-doy!"

And his reply to my reply:



Anonymous said…
Yummy, I think I could go for a twinkie right now. Perhaps they should work on a Twinkie ice cream and/or Jelly Belly flavor?
Heather said…
ha ha ha!
Sarah said…
Twinkie ice cream.....oh my gosh it's a good thing that doesn't actually exist!
Pam said…
This was hysterical. Thanks for a laugh
Harmony said…
ha ha, that's funny! I love it!!
larainydays said…
I would have the same conversation on an empty ding dong box. I'm glad you found my blog and enjoyed my "Environmental Romance". Thanks for commenting.

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