Argh Meme Matey!

Day 10 - Favorite Classic Book

Little Women.  Except for the parts with Daisy and Demi which are just boring.  Also, Jo and Laurie should have gotten married. 


Pam said…
Emma just read this book and loved it!
Tami said…
I agree with everything you just said about Little Women. I finally got around to reading it about 3 years ago and wondered why I had waited so long! I loved it! My all-time favorite classic is Alice in Wonderland. I've loved that one since I was a wee little lass.
Julie Wiens said…
I'm with you on this one Sarah!
Sarah said…
Alice in Wonderland is one of my favorites too, the complete whimsical crazy silliness is right up my ally even if I don't get all of it.

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