Top Five
Reasons I'm not blogging much: - I'm busy. I mean, between'm a wimp, what can I say. - I can't think of anything good to say. And I really am working on NOT complaining. Because I'm lucky and I get irritated when blogs I read are all "wah wah wah me me". I don't want to be that irritating blogger. - Every time I get a good idea, I forget about it. - Nothing new is really happening around here. Just the normal, every day, kids growing up, day by day kind of stuff. - I watch too much TV. Books I've read recently: - Mockingjay. I could supplement this list with the other 2 books in the Hunger Games series, but I won't so long as you know I could. Really, read the series. - City of Glass. Just read it through for the second time. I liked it more the second time, too. It's very fresh in a world saturated by Twilight. And I do like Twilight, but come on, we don't all need to write v...