This was one of those years that sort of just flew by. It was January - and then it was January again. That is not to say we didn't have experiences. Good and bad. They just seemed to come and go so quickly. A glimpse at 2011 in words: January - On a High Stool February - Served March - College is April - What it means to me May - In Profile June - Jotting it down July - In Memory: The Water of Life August - Birth Days: Part Two September - Dear Josh, November - Tilt Oh Whirl December - Dear Carly, (My personal favorites were January, May, July and August.) My hopes for 2012 are simple: I hope to be more fiscally reasonable. I hope to yell less. I hope to do well in school. I hope to be happy. And, of course, I hope to win million dollars. (But if not me, maybe you!) Happy New Year!