Looking Back, Moving Forward
First, because my parent's will ask, I love being back 'home' in New Mexico. I love the beauty and variety, I love the quiet and peace, I love being near my family. But... I miss Michigan. I miss the trees. I miss the water. I miss the flowers in spring. I miss sidewalks and parks and shops. I miss restaurants. I miss walking to school. I miss streets so famaliar they are like old friends. I missed memory filled places, like my in-laws house, the cemetary where they took Joshua to play, A&W. I miss my friends. I rarely make close friends and I had the most there that I have ever had in my whole life. I miss my church family who welcomed, nurtured and loved me when I was far from home, trying to adopt, and generally lonely. I miss the revolving door that was our home, always someone stopping by, joining us for dinner or just hanging out. I miss my husband's family who loved me from the first moment and made me their own. I miss driving...